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"You give but little when you give of your possessions.  It is when you give of yourself that you truly give."

- Kahlil Griban, The Prophet.


We all dread those special occacions, when it becomes difficult to come up with yet another gift to give to a friend or family member who seems to have it all.  We often end up buying a meaningless object; something so generic and impersonal which will more than likely end up in a corner dusting away.  Sure, the intention should outweigh any material gift.  Yet when you truly care, wouldn't you want to give something you would like to own yourself?


Art has always had the stigma of belonging only to the privilaged ones.  That is why no one ever thinks of giving art as a gift.  Well, that is not longer the case.  


After two years of intense research and travelling, I have found a printing company that can deliver high quality prints that represent my name and my original work.  


Framed by hand, and carefully inspected by me,  these prints on canvas make great gifts for anyone to enjoy.


Please note that other sizes and supports are only available by request.


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